Monday, May 31, 2010
and another thing...
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Thanks Andrew
You have made an impact on me, thank you for it. I am a different person than I would otherwise be because I knew you. Here are some things that come to mind...
I say things like "You Rock" and refer to being sad as "bummed." I like Jack Johnson, I even pray "The Divine Hours" (although not as consistently as I would like.)
I'm more reliant on Jesus.
Thanks for all the times that you made in your busy schedule to hang out with me. To listen to my problems patiently, never judge, and give wise advice. Thanks for helping me see the underlying fears and false beliefs that were affecting the choices I made. Thanks for helping me invite Jesus to heal some of those. Thanks for your joy, passion for Jesus, and humor.
I'm married.
But it was not a 1 day ordeal with flowers and white dresses. It was listening to Kate and I talked about our fights, while you and Val chased kids around your home. It was praying for our relationship before and after we were married. It was teaching us not to kill each other for our different attitudes toward money. Thanks for showing me what a father and a husband can look like. As Kate and I figure out how we will raise our children, I often ask what would Andrew and Val do?
I'm a leader.
Thanks for teaching me how to lead, and how to do that as a servant. Both for people trying to follow Jesus, and for people trying put away chairs at church. You taught me to encourage, listen, make strategies, trust in Jesus, pray for people I lead.
Thanks for changing me. I am so glad to have known you here.
Enjoy heaven,
Friday, May 28, 2010
Warm Welcome
Andrew extended a warm welcome to me and members of our congregation at
Andrew’s generosity, commitment to Christ and the body of believers, and wonderful smile will be fondly remembered and greatly missed.
We extend our deepest sympathies to Andrew’s family and friends. You are in our prayers.
Pastor Eva Clarke
Thankyou Andrew and Val and family for being a living testimony of Jesus , his love, pain , joy , sorrow and hope.
I had only been attending the Vineyard for a short time and Andrew was at the Boston site. I did not have the great blessing of getting to know him personally other than to see him and hear him and Val speak at the church in Cambridge. My life merged with Marianne and Chuck and the story of this man and his life began to unfold more and more before me. It has been my greatest privilege to pray for Andrew and be a part of this journey. It is profound how much someone can affect you in life and not know him well. I have been touched and changed seeing and hearing all he has been and done for others. Andrew's journey and sharing it with all of you has changed me and my life forever. I will only press on with more love, more hope and joy in Jesus name upon this earth , Thy Kingdom Come, Lord, Thy Kingdome Come...
Thankyou Andrew and thankyou Jesus for allowing all of us this precious time with him.
Judy Jordan
Thank You Andrew
We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully. ( Romans 12:6-8)
Andrew had a lot to offer. He gived his money and time to charity and organization like Rebuild Africa. He was a friend to many especially my family. Unselfishly, he gave of his time to Val, his kids and others. I still remember when he asked to take Bildine along with his family for apple picking. Bildine still carry that memory today. He did lots of voluntary work. He served as parent helper when I did kids church at the vineyard. He was a peacemaker- Settling disputes among his boys at home and small group members under his supervision. He was a teacher. He taught me Vineyard 201 and I enjoy his teaching. Today I am applying what I learned. That encourages me to understand that he lives on - In me and in every small group leader. He was a minister. I called him my small group pastor. He was a cheerful person, always smiling and giving words of affirmation. I left Boston in 2003. At the time I left, Andrew still look great. I heard about the cancer while in Liberia and pray with all that is in me, asking God to heal and restore Andrew's health. But, today Andrew is asleep. God did not heal his body but instead took him away from the painful body. He is absent from the body and united with Christ 2 Cor. 5:8. As I think about this, I can imagine how happy Christ and the angels must be. Psalms 116:15 say "precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." So, Christ is happy!!! As I mourn, I mourn with this one thing in mind, Eventually, God will put an end to death. Rev. 21:4. While we wait for that great getting up morning, let us work out our salvation with fear and trembling. Thank you God for sharing Andrew's life with us. Thank you Andrew's family for sharing Andrew with us and Thank you Andrew for loving us all. We will miss you.
Bartoe Walker
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Full of life
The night we heard about Andrew's death, Teri and I toasted a glass of wine "To Andrew and Val". Talking over dinner about interactions we'd had with Andrew, the thing that kept coming up is how we remember Andrew as being full of life. That phrase really resonated with us, and we shared several memories which fit well with that theme.
Brian Odom
Oh Andrew
It's hard to write about all the ways Andrew's been part of my life. There were all the different classes he taught at the Vineyard, the countless wedding ceremonies he officiated that I attended, the sermons preached, and the leading by example as he shared life's stories with Val during the leading of the Marriage Course. Here are a few specific memories that come to mind:
The first time I met Andrew was in 2001 during my small group that Prashant Murti was leading. I introduced myself to Andrew thinking he was another new person coming to the group only to find out Andrew was observing that night as the Small Groups pastor! (I was still new at the Vineyard at the time).
My first time directly working with Andrew was in 2005 when I was head of the Logistics team at the church and Andrew was one of the main people (in addition to Chi-Ray) overseeing the transition to our new church building. (see accompanying picture as we were touring the construction of the building) I had many conversations with Andrew on the best way to handle all the details of smoothly running our own church as well as how to not exhaust myself in the process. His leadership was invaluable in the important task of taking care of the practical as well as the spiritual needs of people serving. Here is a snapshot from my meeting minutes during that time of tasks to do:
Andrew will take care of how people are doing things, making it more welcoming so people want to serve
I think that sums it up – Andrew wholeheartedly was part of serving the church and meeting people's needs.
Two funny times I remember with Andrew was the time I first started dating my husband and we were walking into church together and were coming in from the parking lot – we were holding hands but when we got closer to the church and I started seeing people (like Andrew) I got embarrassed and let go of my then boyfriend's hand and tried to pretend we hadn't been holding hands. Andrew called me on that and joked with me about my shyness in admitting I was dating (Andrew loved to laugh and have fun!). The other time was when I first visited the Boston site of the church and asked Andrew how things were going as we were walking into service. While holding his cup of coffee, Andrew said, "Great! I love it that I can bring my coffee into the service!" Somehow I think this may have led to the site at Cambridge adopting that privilege when we merged the sites back together… : )
There are moments like these when I just have to laugh at Andrew's candor and good nature. Though I wasn't as closely connected to him and his family, I was definitely touched by his life. While I was looking back on my pictures of events and celebrations at the Vineyard, Andrew is in almost all of them because he was such a huge presence in the church. He will be missed.
Karen Stevenson
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Thank you, Andrew.
I wanted you to live longer on this earth, but I imagine that it's better up there with Jesus. What do you think of human life now from heaven's perspective? How does it feel to see and experience God/Love so clearly and be freed from brokenness and sin?
I can imagine you cheering us on to run the race well for our King. Thank you for being an example to us of fighting the good fight. Thank you for being a trailblazer to heaven and giving us the gift of wisdom to number our days. Your life lives on in our hearts and spurs us on.
See you again someday.
- Rusan Symons
A True Gentleman
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
on losing a comrade
Andrew Amigo and Loving Soul
Andrew...... I am glad that I could tell you how God spoke to me many times about your spirit and health. The Holy Spirit woke me up many early mornings and your person came to my prayers.
Andrew was an inspiration
-Judah and Tricia Askew
Never forgotten
Andrew's Legacy
up to leave Boston and plant a church together in New York. I was
talking with Andrew about my fears and difficulties about leaving our
wonderful community. He said to me, "Get as close to your friends as
you can before you leave. It's okay to be sad, because you're leaving
as close friends. Don't end your friendships early. Everyone should be
crying at the going away party because everyone is so close."
Andrew invested deeply in his friends. He urged others to be like him.
His grinning face and humorous attitude were contagious. His hopeful
spirit was powerful.
Andrew multiplied himself in the lives he touched. He leaves a legacy
of hope-bringers and friend-makers.
The world needs what Andrew gave. And he keeps giving through the
lives he impacted. He was a special man in a special place at a
special time.
One day I'll understand why God took Andrew. For now I take comfort
that he has joined the could of witnesses -- I imagine him loving
powerfully, boldly encouraging others, worshiping freely and living
fully for Jesus.
Andrew, thank you for everything you gave us.
God, thank you for giving us Andrew.
Gabrien Symons
Memories of Andrew
We never knew Andrew personally, but have had the honor to pray for him during the past two years. We held him up to our Heavenly Father along with Valerie, the boys and his parents. We prayed for remission of his cancer, we prayed for his strength and that of Valerie and the family, we cried when times were difficult and we were joyful with the family when times were good. Mainly we prayed that Andrew and Valerie and the family keep their eyes on God. Even though we never met any of you in person, we felt close to you as a family. We thank God for giving us this opportunity to be part of your family in a most difficult time. God is good and gracious and while we sometimes don't understand why things happen the way they do, we know that they are all for His glory. In every way, Andrew honored and glorified God. We pray in the ensuing days that Valerie and the family will come to realize that Andrew was an example to all of us. When life became difficult he put his God and his family to the forefront. Andrew touched the lives of many and through the internet, we were allowed to be a part of his family, even for a short time. Thank you Lord for sharing him with us. Lee and Deanna Howard Hemet, CA |
Monday, May 24, 2010
A Legacy of Love
What always stood out about Andrew from the moment we met was how friendly, upbeat and caring he was towards everybody -- friend and stranger alike. He was a kind and loving soul, a daily reminder of God's love and grace. He was a true gentleman in the best sense of the word. Though as much as he loved everybody, nowhere was that more obvious than towards his family. They have suffered a deep loss indeed. You could see it on his face every time Val and the boys walked into the room. It's often said that the will of God will not take you where the grace of God will not protect you -- I firmly believe that and pray that now. Let's bring forth many people to protect, encourage and support Val, Chuck and Marianne as they care for and watch over Sam, Stephen and Mark for all their days. It's said that the keys to happiness are to live well, laugh often and love much; Andrew did that in abundance which is why he'll be sorely missed. Memories of life and love shared become a legacy of love, comforting those left behind. Jen Morris |
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Remembering my friend
When I shared the news of Andrews passing with my sons, my youngest's face quickly went from sad to relieved, as he stated "Well he's in heaven right? So we get to see him again!" Out of the mouth of babes....
Andrew, you were my pastor, my counselor, and most importantly my friend, and I miss you terribly. My heart is broken for Val and your beautiful boys, who must miss you more than words are capable of expressing. I'm so glad that we know right where you are, and as Grace put it, you are cancer free!!! I can't wait to see you again!
Your friend and brother,
Steven Baronian
Remembering Andrew ......
Jeanne Morris
Brave warrior
My husband and I have prayed for Andrew for almost two years and we know first hand that God is a God of miracles and we stood in faith believing for a miracle as many did but God is sovereign and choose to bring Andrew home with Him. Some day we will know why. Andrew was a great warrior and he tried everything the doctors brought his way, but God's healed him his way and now Andrew has a glorified body and is praising his savior and walking on streets of gold. He is at peace. we will continue to pray for Val and his three sons and his mom and dad.
God Bless, Harry and Gloria Kerr, Gray, Maine
Poem for Those Left Behind
Well:: The year 2005 is a year that I really got to be inspired by Andrew. I met him at Toah Nipi on a retreat that March. I was just coming to Christ and he was definitely one of those who made the transition a lot easier. Later that year, he and his father Chuck baptised me. When I had nowhere to go that Thanksgiving, him and his family allowed me to sit and enjoy the day with them. It was one of the best holidays of my life. You left big shoes to fill, Andrew, and if more followed your warm example, this world would be a better place to live in. Stay Blessed, Damien Moye |
Saturday, May 22, 2010
In Loving Memory
Yesterday our dear friend Andrew passed away. Two years ago he discovered he had colon cancer - a rather freakish occurrence in a 36-year old - and yesterday he moved on from a long, hard, fight.
Keith and I have each known Andrew for almost a decade, in many capacities: friend; pastor (who, along with his wife Val -also a pastor- married us); colleague, employer, mentor. I will always remember how real Andrew was with who he was, where he was at... Good day? You'd know it. Bad day? You'd know that, too.
Andrew has three incredible boys (in the picture above he's holding the ultrasound pics of his third), the oldest two of which I spent a good deal of time babysitting during college. He was married to his other half for almost 13 years.
I am grieved for his family that must learn new ways of existing without this amazing figure that has been an ever-present element in life as they know it. I am grieved that Andrew had to suffer as he did before dying. I am grieved for those that so fervently prayed and prayed and prayed, waiting for a miracle healing to occur and feel like they've been failed; or worse yet, that they failed.
For me, though, it's like this: Andrew's death IS the miracle. It's a miracle because no matter what he went through here on Earth, I know it is over now and he is in heaven, with Jesus. There is no reason that we should be entitled to something like Heaven and yet, there it is, awaiting us. Why? Because God is good. And that, too, is a miracle.
This is how I picture Andrew right now: He's wearing a soccer shirt with a ball in front of him, holding a Belgian beer in one hand, standing by the grill. It's a big grill, because, well, this is Heaven... which probably also means it's a big beer. He is smiling hugely, like in the picture above. I can hear him laughing, maybe even snorting, and having fun meeting everyone. He's a total connector, so in about a week's time he will have quadrupled everyone's social network, and he'll have all the newbies acclimated in no time. Because that's Andrew.
Kate Jaggard Tyo
My Friend, Brother, Pastor and Mentor.
Chi-Ray Chien